Why is Yoga Important? 5 Best Yoga Aasanas And Their Benefits

 Yoga is often considered to be taken in relation with physical fitness. However, we fail to realize that it is helpful in uniting the body, mind and breath. Yoga helps to bring a state of stability, harmony and calmness in your life. Yoga is not something that has to preached as a religion, rather it is a way of living that shapes a health mind in a healthy body. Yoga is just not to be seen as bending and twisting the body like aerobatics where physical pressure is exerted more. Rather it takes you to a position where you can see and experience the reality, in the way it is.

There are various benefits of doing yoga in your day to day life-

  •  Yoga improves the blood circulation in the body which in a way makes the flow of oxygen and other nutrients better in the body.With proper blood circulation, the organs and the skin tend to be healthier and shinier respectively
  • Yoga helps to get the right posture in your body It helps in maintaining a proper balance which makes you look confident and healthy
  • Yoga helps in uplifting the mood as it gives the body refreshing energy
  • Yoga also helps in releasing stress to a great extent When one is on the mat with full concentration on doing the exercises, the mind slowly drains out the stress levels.
  • Yoga helps in relaxing the body which helps in reducing the pulse rate Thus it is a good indication that with low pulse rate the heart is strong enough t beat more in fewer beats
  • Yoga helps in coming out of depression. When one feels sad the negative energy is released, thus it helps in fighting depression.
  • Yoga and immunity go hand in hand because yoga helps in enhancing every cell of the body, thus making the body immune.
  • Yoga helps in increasing the tolerance level of pain as well as reduces chronic pain.
  • Yoga helps in keeping the metabolism normal which helps in maintaining the ideal weight.
  • Yoga is helpful in relaxing your mind thus it helps in getting proper sleep as well.
  • Yoga is helpful in increasing your concentration levels.

Thus, it is beyond imagination on how yoga can do wonders in our life. It is worth trying to check these results on yourself. For a beginner, these 5 yoga poses are surely recommended. One should have a mat and put on comfortable clothes and a peaceful environment to attain some beneficial results.

Yoga Squat Pose( Malasana)

Malasana can be done by standing with feet parallel where it is slightly wider than the hips. Then you need to bend the knees and slowly lower down the pelvis until the hips go down lower than the hips. Now you need to keep the back straight and fold your arms in a prayer position. 

Benefits- It helps in stretching the groin and lower back, tones the belly and releases the pressure hat is there in the hips and knees. It also strengthens the metabolism and stretches the ankles and lower hamstrings,back and neck.

Cat Cow Pose(Bitilasana)

You can start this by positioning all the fours on the mat where knees are placed underneath the hips and hands, thus below the shoulders.Now you need to arch your back with the head and the tailbone is lifted upwards and chest open. While taking the next breath, flow in the cow pose by moving the back upwards and thus lowering the head. 

Benefits- It improves posture and balance strengthen and stretches the back , arms and abdomen. It also releases tension of the upper arms and the neck.

Downward Facing Dog(Adho Mukha Savasana)

You can start with plank position where palms are spread. Now lift the hips and lengthen the tailbone. You need to keep the arms and legs firm with the head between the upper arms.

Benfits- It helps in building stronger hands and wrists and relieving lower back pain. It helps in preventing osteoporosis and menstrual problems too.It also improves the blood flow to the brain and strengthens the bone too.A strong core is also developed.

Legs Up The Wall Pose(Viparita Karani)

In case if you feel it difficult to sleep at night then you should try laying on your back while the legs are against the wall. It allows the blood and other fluids to flow in opposite direction against the gravity.

Benefits-It refreshes the legs and reproductive organs. It also helps in reducing the headaches, lowers blood pressure and even reduces insomnia. It improves digestion, restores tired feet or legs, and relieves varicose veins.

Mountain Pose(Tadasana)

Mountain pose may seem easy but it has its own relevance and importance. You need to stand tall with legs slightly apart, hands can hang alongside the body. Now engage the belly and keep the thigh muscles firm.

Benefits- It makes you feel stronger with a straight posture, increases blood circulation and reduces tension. It can tone the hips and abdomen and helps in gaining control over muscular movements.


3Meds, the best online medical app in India, cares for you and wants to develop a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Practicing yoga can surely bring changes in your physical as well as medical outlook. Thus, it is advisable to practice yoga on a regular basis with proper time and care to enhance yourself.


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