Syphilis- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment


Syphilis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria known as Treponema Pallidum. It is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is about in 2016 that the cases for Syphilis rose to 88000 in number. It is seen that number of cases of women were seen decreasing when compared to men. However, men who have sex with men have shown more cases. Syphilis is difficult to be diagnosed as there are cases where people have been suffering from it from years without having any knowledge about it. If it remains uncured for a long period of time it can cause damage to heart and brain. It can be passed to others only through direct contact. Sharing toilets, wearing another person's clothes or using their utensils can cause no harm.


Syphilis Symptoms


The first sign of Syphilis are a small, painless sore either on the sexual organs, rectum or inside the mouth, known as chancre which people fail to notice it at the initial stages. Syphilis is found be more infectious in the first two stages.


Syphilis Stages


The four stages of Syphilis are-

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Latent
  • Tertiary


Primary Syphilis Chancre


The primary stage occurs within 3-4 weeks of coming in contact with bacteria as a small, round sore called chancre. It is highly infectious and painful and may appear wherever the bacteria have entered the body like mouth, genitals and rectum. It is transferred through direct contact usually during sexual activity which includes oral sex as well. The sore is seen within 3 weeks but it may take about 10-90 days to appear. However, in the initial stage it may remain between 2-6 weeks.



Secondary Syphilis Chancre


At this stage, the skin rash and a sore throat ma have developed. The rashes are found on the palms and soles particularly. The other symptoms include headaches, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, fever, weight loss, hair loss and aching joints. These symptoms are found to be so common that they are mistaken with other diseases or they are neglected. However, even if these symptoms are treated or left unseen they are bound to go away but the disease still says.


Latent Syphilis


This is known as a hidden or latent stage. This is because the symptoms that are observed in the first two stages have disappeared till now and there are no further noticeable symptoms. But, the bacteria still remains in the body which is left unnoticed. At this point, it could last for years before it enters the last stage.


 Tertiary Syphilis


The last stage of Syphilis has seen around 15-20% cases. It is life threatening as it is seen after a long time gap from the initial symptom. The other side effects that have reached at this stage are blindness, deafness, mental illness, memory loss, destruction of soft tissue and bone, stroke, meningitis, heart disease and neurosyphilis. The latter happens to be an infection of the brain or spinal cord. 



Syphilis Test


Syphilis Test should be done as soon as possible. Once the doctor has diagnosed they will undergo a blood test physical examination. In case of detection of sore, the samples of sore will be taken to search for syphilis bacteria. In case of further diagnosis if the doctor suspects of nervous system disorder then a lumbar puncture or spinal tap may be required. The spinal fluid may be tested to detect for Syphilis bacteria. In case of pregnancy, the doctor might screen for testing the bacteria in order to prevent the fetus from getting infected with Congenital Syphilis.

 Treatment of Syphilis


In case of primary and secondary Syphilis, it can be treated easily with a Penicillin Injection. It is said to be very effective in treating this disease. In case of people who are allergic to it, antibiotics such as-


  • Doxycycline
  • Azithromycin
  • Ceftriaxone can be given.


If neurosyphilis are detected then Penicillin injection shall be given daily, hospital stay may be required. The bacteria can only be killed in this treatment as well as easing the pain and discomfort. 3Meds, best online medical app in India provides these medicines through home delivery as well.


At the time of treatment it is necessary to avoid sexual contact until all sores are thoroughly healed. 


Syphilis is said to be cures easily if detected at the early stages. It is life threatening and can lead to serous complication sin the long run. It is necessary to take preventive measures like using dental dam or condoms during oral sex. It is also necessary to get your partners tested. Otherwise in case of pregnancy if the baby is detected with the same then it can damage the bones, teeth, eyes, ears and brain of the newborn too. Thus, it is not only dangerous for the current generation but it also effective for the next generation.







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