Leg Calves Perthes Disease


Leg Calves Perthes Disease may be defined as a condition where the ball of the femur, thighbone is affected. The ball is situated at the top of the femur and fits well in the hip socket. The condition further leads as cutting the blood supply in the ball resulting to a situation where the bone dies. This is known as avascular necrosis. This part of the femur that is affected turns out to be flat and is then deformed. It is also at a risk of breaking away from the hip. As the cartilage from the ball loses its support from the bone, the ball eventually collapses. Though till now the exact cause that leads to this situation is not known, but it is seen affecting the young boys. 


As the blood supply that goes through the ball is seen diminishing, the ball is seen at risk of becoming flat and thus collapsing. This condition usually affects one side of the hip. In this disease, limping is usually seen as the initial signs. This is because the flatness of the thigh bone makes the walking difficult. 

  • knee pain
  • groin pain
  • reduced muscle strength in the thigh is seen
  • there is a decreased range of motion
  • shortening of the affected leg is seen.

Risk Factors

There are certain risk factors that can lead to developing of this disease. 
  • Males are at higher risk of this disease
  • People aged between 4-10 years
  • Family history of the disease is there
  • Are prone to Caucasian. 


A physical examination is helpful in diagnosing the range of motion within the hip and thigh. Bone scans, MRI and X rays shall also be done to look in depth how much it has affected for proper treatment. The doctor usually make use of these imaging tests altogether to look for the damage that has been done to the bones and tissues of the affected areas. 


The treatment depends on the amount of bone damage that has been done. Initially, physical therapy is done which involves exercises like stretching to increase the flexibility, exercising to improve the strength, making use of temporary leg casts, using of crutches, along with getting bed rest for severe pain. 

The doctor shall ask for a surgery if the situation demands so. The surgeries usually removing particles that keep restricting the joint movements. Whereas major surgeries involve molding all parts of the femur.


If the child experiences the long term effects of the disease, then the femoral bone is said to be damaged. Just like the deformed head of the femoral bone cannot fit exactly into the ball joint of the hip, it could further lead to pain and arthritis. But it is always advisable to get early detection and treatment of this disease . It is seen that with two years of treatment the children return to normal activities. Thus, proper precautions and proper treatments can lead to early recovery.


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